Government Approval Mandatory for AI Tool Launches in India

AI Tool Launches in India Now Require Government Nod

The Indian government has issued a mandate for tech companies to seek governmental approval before releasing any AI tool that is “unreliable” or under trial, noting that these tools should also be labeled for the potential to provide wrong responses to user queries.

Countries across the globe are putting in efforts to regulate AI technologies, with India emerging as a pivotal market to intensify regulations for social media companies, which include the South Asian nation as a top growth market.

Gemini AI Tool Goof-up

The advisory was issued a week after a senior minister’s criticism on February 23rd of Google’s Gemini AI tool.  The controversy ignited when an AI-generated reply from Gemini asserted that certain experts perceive PM Modi’s policies as “fascist.” This reply triggered a dispute between the tech giant and the government.

A day later, Google acknowledged its drawbacks and stated that the AI tool “may not always be reliable,” particularly in handling current events and political topics.

Furthermore, the advisory highlights concern over the potential impact of AI tools on electoral integrity as India’s general elections are approaching the coming summer. With the ruling party anticipated to secure a clear majority, the government is keen to mitigate any threats posed by AI tools to the democratic process.

Google Co-founder on Gemini AI

Google was in the middle of a controversy when its AI chatbot, Gemini (formerly Bard), was accused of racism and being “too woke” by several users worldwide. Gemini began refusing to produce images of white individuals and depicted various historical figures as people of color despite their original ethnicity being white. This sparked an online debate and controversy around Gemini.

Google co-founder Sergey Brin stated the company did “mess up,” attributing it to inadequate testing procedures and acknowledging the valid concerns raised by users. The incident highlighted the importance of responsible AI tool development practices in the evolving digital landscape.

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