Apple to prioritize mixed reality headsets in 2023, may put other products on the back burner

Apple to prioritize mixed reality headsets in 2023, may put other products on the back burner

A new, high-performance mixed-reality headset from Apple is apparently scheduled to go on sale in 2023. It is anticipated to include an App Store, dedicated chips, and its operating system. Initially, the Cupertino business planned to release the mixed-reality headgear in 2019.

The new mixed-reality headset from Apple is now expected to be unveiled at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June. According to reports, the corporation focused most of its resources on creating this headset. As a result, the study speculates that 2023 may bring about insignificant changes to other Apple goods.

According to reports, Apple’s rumoured Reality Pro mixed reality headset will include its dedicated OS, App Store, and dedicated CPUs.

The mixed-reality headset has already been sent to a select group of well-known software developers for testing. Therefore, they can begin creating third-party applications for its operating system, code-named “Borealis,” which is anticipated to go by the moniker xrOS when it launches.

Apple must iron out flaws before launching mixed reality headset

According to reports, the tech giants enlisted the assistance of other software and hardware engineering divisions to quickly address the problems before launching the product.

However, the focus on mixed reality headsets has slowed down the development of other products, which were already experiencing delays and budget reductions due to the recent economic recession.

The restructuring is likely to impact other Apple products. The new MacBook Pro models are expected to have the same style and functionality as devices from earlier generations. The latest 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro models could be delayed until 2024. The 24-inch iMac Pro’s arrival in 2023 is also no longer certain.


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