Apple introduces the Lockdown mode, takes security standards to the next level

Just like any other device, iPhone is not secured due to cyberthreats and malicious activities like spyware causing Apple iPhone spyware. However, Apple has proved itself as the trendsetter in securing its users from malware and cyberattacks. The lockdown mode, introduced by Apple this month, is another move that redefines the meaning of privacy and protection.

What is the Lockdown mode all about?

The Lockdown mode is a ground-breaking feature that enables an extreme level of digital security for users. The fundamental strategy behind the lockdown mode is to reduce the window of exposure to threats sharply, and it does that by restricting certain functionalities of your device (That’s proper- such extraordinary security does come at a price!).

How to turn on the Lockdown mode?

  • Navigate to Settings – Privacy & Security
  • Tap on the Lockdown mode under the Security Tab.
  • Select ‘Turn On Lockdown Mode’

What happens then?

Here’s what will happen as soon as you turn on the Lockdown mode.

  1. Message app- Link previews will get disabled, and the app will block all formats of attachments except images.
  2. Apple services- All unsolicited invitations and service requests will be blocked. In fact, you won’t even be able to receive a FaceTime call from someone whom you’ve never contacted before.
  3. Web browsing- Some advanced web technologies such as just-in-time (JIT) JavaScript compilation will get disabled unless you list it out as a trusted site and exclude it from the Lockdown mode.
  4. Wired connections with another device will not work when the device is locked.
  5. You will be barred from installing configuration profiles or enroll your device into Mobile Device Management (MDM) when the Lockdown mode is in action.

Who is it for?

The Lockdown mode has been primarily designed for people at an increased risk of personal attacks, such as journalists, defence officers, government officials, and more. However, it will be available across all Apple devices with iOS 16, and users can turn it on/off.

Apple announced an Apple Security Bounty program to discover loopholes in the newly launched security system and receive feedback from the security research community. The program rewards researchers who find Lockdown mode bypasses up to $2000,000! While this is only the beginning, Apple is looking forward to further strengthening the Lockdown mode by adding newer protections over time.

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disha agrawal

disha agrawal

Disha Agrawal is a Content Creator at TechEela. She’s a B.Tech graduate from Delhi Technological University and takes keen interest in the latest trends related to marketing and technology.

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