Diversity Hackathon: Hiring & Prize Challenge by NLB Services
It is that time of the year again!
We invite all aspiring women coders for a Virtual Hackathon this #Women’sDay.
Here is your chance to showcase your coding prowess and win! Code, Execute, Test and Win!
The hackathon will happen in two phases.
• In the first phase, participants will face a coding challenge in Java & .NET followed by an MCQ challenge. After completing the coding challenge, participants will be tested with an MCQ challenge.
• In the second phase, the MCQ challenge will be conducted on ClearedTalent, an online platform for a vetted talent community and a strategic partner of NLB Services.
Ground Rules:
- The Diversity Hackathon would be of 1 hour duration.
- You can access the problem statement by clicking the “Solve Problem” button.
- There will be a live coding environment to code and compile.
- Once you finish, a default test case will be used to check your code.
Primary Skills required:
Java, .NET
Event Details:
Date: 8th March to 11th April 2022