Achieving Observability with Metrics, Logs, and Traces

Observability is a measure of how well the internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs. In other words, observability is the ability to understand what is happening inside a system by looking at what is happening outside of it.

Observability is important for a variety of reasons:

  • It can identify and troubleshoot problems more quickly.
  • It can optimize the system for performance and reliability.
  • It can make better decisions about how to manage your system.

The 3 Pillars of Observability

There are three main pillars of observability:

  • Metrics: Metrics are measurements of the system’s internal state. For example, a metric might be the number of requests per second a system handles.
  • Logs: Logs are records of the system’s activity. For example, a log might record the time and date of a request and the response code.
  • Traces: Traces refer to the documentation of the route a request follows in a system. They can include details such as the duration of the request in each service and any errors that occurred.

Through the collection and analysis of metrics, logs, and traces, one can acquire a comprehensive understanding of the system’s behavior. This understanding can aid in problem identification and troubleshooting, optimization of system performance and reliability, and informed decision-making for system management.

IBM Instana Observability

IBM Instana Observability is a platform that helps improve the observability of systems. Instana provides a unified view of your systems, making it easy to collect, analyze, and act on data. Instana provides various functionalities that enhance efficiency, dependability, and system safety.

IBM Instana Observability is a more comprehensive solution than traditional application performance monitoring (APM), which allows all teams to monitor their applications.

Making observability accessible to all individuals in DevOps, SRE, platform engineering, ITOps, and development teams allows for the democratization of relevant data and insights.

Some of the key features of IBM Instana Observability include:

  • Automatic discovery and instrumentation: Instana’s automatic discovery and instrumentation of systems eliminates manual setup, allowing you to begin collecting data and gaining insights immediately.
  • Unified view of your systems: Instana’s unified view of systems allows users to access all their data in one location, simplifying the process of troubleshooting issues, detecting performance bottlenecks, and making informed decisions about managing their systems.
  • AI-powered insights: Instana uses AI to provide insights into systems. This can assist in detecting issues before they affect users, optimizing the systems for better performance and reliability, and making informed decisions regarding system management.

Benefits of IBM Instana Observability

Benefits of IBM Instana Observability

There are many benefits to using IBM Instana Observability. These include:

  • Reduced downtime: Instana identifies and resolves problems before they impact users.
  • Improved performance: Instana enhances the performance of your systems by identifying and optimizing performance bottlenecks.
  • Increased reliability: Instana increases the reliability of your systems by identifying and resolving problems before they cause outages.
  • Enhanced security: Instana enhances the security of your systems by identifying and mitigating security risks.

Observability vs Monitoring

Observability and monitoring are two important concepts in DevOps. Monitoring is the process of collecting and analyzing data about a system to identify potential problems. Observability is the ability to understand the state of a system by analyzing all of the data that is available about it.

Monitoring is a reactive process. It is used to identify problems after they have already occurred. Observability is a proactive process. It is used to understand the state of a system before problems occur.

Monitoring typically involves collecting data about metrics, logs, and traces. Metrics are numerical measurements of system performance. Logs are records of system events. Traces are records of how requests flow through a system.

Observability is achieved by collecting and analyzing all of the data that is available about a system. This data can include metrics, logs, traces, and other data sources.

Observability is a more comprehensive approach to system health than monitoring. It allows teams to understand the state of a system before problems occur. This can help teams to prevent problems and to resolve problems more quickly when they do occur.

Feature Observability Monitoring
Definition The ability to understand the state of a system by analyzing all of the data that is available about it. The process of collecting and analyzing data about a system to identify potential problems.
Focus Understanding the system Identifying problems
Data Metrics, logs, and traces Metrics and logs
Timeframe Continuous Reactive
Benefits Faster problem identification, optimization of system performance and reliability, and informed decision-making Reduced downtime, improved performance, increased reliability, and enhanced security

Why is observability important?

Observability is important because it allows teams to:

  • Understand the state of a system before problems occur.
  • Prevent problems from occurring.
  • Resolve problems more quickly when they do occur.
  • Improve the performance of a system.
  • Ensure the reliability of a system.
  • Meet compliance requirements.

Steps on how to implement observability:

  1. Define your goals: What do you want to achieve with observability? Do you want to improve performance, reliability, or security? Once you know your goals, you can start to identify the data that you need to collect.
  2. Collect data: There are various ways to collect data, including metrics, logs, and traces. Metrics are numerical measurements of system performance, such as CPU usage, memory usage, and disk usage. Logs are records of system events, such as HTTP requests and database queries. Traces are records of how requests flow through a system.
  3. Store data: Once you have collected data, you need to store it in a central location. This will make it easier to analyze the data and to share it with others.
  4. Analyze data: There are a variety of tools that you can use to analyze data. These tools can help you to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies.
  5. Share data: Once you have analyzed the data, you need to share it with others. This will help to ensure that everyone has the information they need to make informed decisions.

Here are some additional tips for implementing observability:

  • Start small: Don’t try to collect too much data or analyze too much data at once. Start with a small subset of data and then gradually expand your collection and analysis as you learn more about your systems.
  • Use a variety of tools: There are a variety of tools available for collecting, storing, analyzing, and sharing data. Use a variety of tools to get the most out of your data.
  • Automate as much as possible: Automate as much of the observability process as possible. This will free up your time so that you can focus on analyzing the data and making decisions.
  • Get buy-in from stakeholders: Observability is a team effort. Get buy-in from stakeholders from all levels of the organization to ensure that everyone is on board with the observability initiative.


Implementing observability is crucial for understanding the internal states of a system by analyzing its external outputs. By collecting and analyzing metrics, logs, and traces, observability enables faster problem identification, optimization of system performance and reliability, and informed decision-making. IBM Instana Observability offers a comprehensive solution with features like automatic discovery, AI-powered insights, and a unified view of systems, providing benefits such as reduced downtime, improved performance, increased reliability, and enhanced security.

Observability goes beyond traditional monitoring, as it allows a proactive understanding of a system’s state and helps prevent issues before they occur. By following key steps, organizations can successfully implement observability and drive improvements across their systems.

What is observability in AIOps?

In AIOps, observability is the ability to understand the state of a system and to use this understanding to predict and prevent problems. This is important for ensuring the reliability and performance of systems. Observability can be improved by collecting metrics, logs, and traces from systems and by using machine learning to analyze this data.

What is observability in Control System?

Observability is a critical aspect of control systems. It enables us to determine the state of a system based on its output measurements. This capability is vital for ensuring the safety and reliability of control systems in various industries. Observability can be improved by incorporating sensors to measure the system’s state and employing models to predict its behavior. This comprehensive approach empowers us to effectively monitor and understand the dynamics of control systems. Ultimately, this facilitates better decision-making, improved performance, and enhanced system reliability.

What is observability in DevOps?

Observability plays a crucial role in DevOps by providing continuous insights into the state of a system. This is important for ensuring the reliability and performance of systems. Observability can be improved by collecting metrics, logs, and traces from systems and by using tools to analyze this data.

What is observability in Engineering?

In engineering, observability is the ability to understand the state of a system and to use this understanding to improve the system. This is important for ensuring the safety, reliability, and performance of systems. Observability can be improved by collecting metrics, logs, and traces from systems and by using tools to analyze this data.

What is observability in Testing?

In testing, observability is the ability to determine the state of a system under test. This is important for ensuring the quality of the system. Observability can be improved by using test data to measure the state of the system and by using models to predict the state of the system.

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