How We Changed with Digital

digital technology company

In 2019, it’s possible to find countries without water, but with citizens that own smartphones still. We call this the influence of modern society – a world driven by digital technology company. If we take the time to silo it to the field of marketing, we see an incredible opportunity to impact people interactions, habits, work, and purchases. It’s a phenomenon most companies find themselves aware of, enough to at least attempt the utilization of the digital universe to their own brand benefit.

The truth is that marketing, or rather – digital marketing as well, has changed. And it continues to change at a rapid pace. Let’s take a quick look at some of what changes a brand’s method of business or operation.

  1. Instant Communication

    Research shows that about a quarter of all downloaded apps face uninstallation or removal after single use; the only apps bucking this trend appears to be those designed for instant messaging. Facebook Messenger, for example, has around 1.3 billion global users. On closer inspection, you realize that the millennial core now spends more time on instant messaging apps than they do on the actual social networks. Some of the savvier companies are currently in a rush to strategize around how best to optimize these kinds of applications.


  2. Content Landslide

    Interestingly, Facebook now sees roughly 350 million photos uploaded daily. Users generate 4 million likes per minute even. In a nutshell, the amount of user generated content in our world today is huge; it’s led to the coining of a term as well – content shock. It implies that marketers have their work cut out for them, if they’re going to push through the noise for meaningful impact that is.


    A classy example of this is with Rolex; as a company with a 112-year history, Rolex overcomes the issue of stagnancy with appealing and high-quality product images that speak to the brand’s stylish and minimalistic persona. It solidifies a message – about the quality of their products and the timelessness attached to the same.


  3. Data Goldmines

    There’s no question about the abundance of data available today; it offers tremendous knowledge and insight to brands about their customers. But what’s more important is a company’s ability to know how, when, and where to use said data. Experts have broken this down to understanding which metrics are most important to success, knowing which customer channels are most beneficial, having employees with the necessary skills to process data, and creating personalized and customer-focused content.

  4. Transparency

    It’s common for customers today to want to know about the brands they interact or associate with and purchase from. To foster loyalty, it’s essential for brands to display a culture of transparency – demonstrate their personality online, for example.

    A study once showed that merely 12% of consumers – when it comes to the food industry – trust companies when it comes to packaging, with most looking for information elsewhere. On the contrary, 94% of consumers from the same study cited an earnest desire to stick with companies that offered transparency, with 73% attesting to a willingness to pay more for products that offered it.

  5. An Era of Fresh Influencers

    Video outlets – YouTube, for example, and social media have enabled people to become influencers. Companies are now less inclined to hire celebrities to endorse products; why do that with the availability of someone more ordinary, but with droves of followers on social media? In fact, micro-influencers – often considered those with below 100,000 followers – potentiate to higher engagement rates, and more influence, than celebrities.


    For example, Philip Hartmann, Director Consumer Communications at Coca-Cola, Germany, credits the company’s phenomenally improved audience-brand interaction to influencer marketing; the statement compared the new form of marketing to traditional advertising. As a brand, Coca-Cola also made the move of hiring influencers as hosts on Coke TV, the brand’s YouTube channel.

  6. Urgency in Innovation

    With a more customer-empowered landscape, brands now find themselves in urgency to change process, innovate, adapt, or perish. Several sectors, in the face of disruptors, require creativity and innovation to be able to compete even. PayPal and Google Wallet rank as apt examples against traditional financial institutions, with pressure enough to catalyze fresh initiatives around engagement and experience in the latter. Bigger players embrace the digital era to best serve their customers; HSBC and its opening of an innovation lab in the Asia Pacific stands as a great example – dedicated to the development of next-generation mobile banking and digital services.

  7. Made More Human

    Due to its widespread influence and popularity, social media fronts as a primary for marketing strategies; it offers a platform for customers to build trust and understand brand values. Apple, for example, uses live streamed events to involve and encourage buyers to feel every bit a part of the brand family, its journey. Over the years, it’s helped create a community of millions that support and ambassador Apple products even before their scheduled release.

For a brand to reach a measurable level of success, it becomes important to invest in technological evolutions – at present, and in the foreseeable future. It certainly helps when merged atop a foundation of digital talent and an understanding around customer experience. In 2019, the message runs stronger than ever before – adapt, stay agile. And in conclusion, that’s really what it takes to compete in the game today.


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