SoftwareReviews identifies top-three cloud infrastructure-as-a-service providers

SoftwareReviews identifies top-three cloud infrastructure-as-a-service providers

SoftwareReviews has released its 2023 Data Quadrant Report on the top cloud infrastructure solutions. The comprehensive report offers new assessments and ratings as it has identified three cloud infrastructure as a service Gold Medalist providers.

Cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) systems can be thought of as “data centers in the cloud” because they provide a wide variety of “hosting” features to varied degrees. Contrary to traditional data center infrastructure, cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) permits the consumption of compute, storage, and networking resources through a utility cost model that enables resources to be scaled up or down as necessary to balance performance against cost-effectiveness.

“At this point, many organizations have achieved a reasonable level of maturity for adopting and operating cloud services and understand that the cloud isn’t a magic answer to every problem,” said Nabeel Sherif, Principal Advisory Director at Info-Tech Research Group and SoftwareReviews.

“The focus is now on being ‘cloud smart’; that is, making sure you have the right visibility and tooling to understand and keep control of a more diverse IT footprint and costs while still realizing the speed and agility that brought companies to the cloud in the first place,” Nabeel Sherif added.

SoftwareReviews has determined the year’s top cloud infrastructure software vendors using verified survey information gathered from 837 end users. In SoftwareReviews’ Data Quadrant, these vendors have earned highly regarded ratings.

A composite satisfaction score, or a Composite Score (CS), ranks providers. Net Emotional Footprint, Vendor Capabilities, Product Features, and Likeliness to Recommend are the four evaluation criteria for the CS. The CS is the average of these four criteria.

The 2023 Cloud Infrastructure Software Gold Medalists are as follows:

  • Google Cloud, 8.8 CS, ranked high for analytics and reporting.
  • Amazon EC2, 8.7 CS, ranked high for cloud integrations.
  • Microsoft Azure, 8.7 CS, ranked high for its quality of features.

The thorough user reviews on SoftwareReviews give a precise and in-depth insight into a challenging and constantly evolving market. The information comes from people who regularly use the product and IT specialists who have worked closely with it during its acquisition, implementation, and maintenance.

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